The club is holding a one-off fun day at Cliffe Castle Park on Saturday 22 June as part of British Cycling’s Summer of Cycling, designed to engage young people in cycling-related activities across the holiday period and also to garner interest in the club from potential new members.
This event is free. Existing riders are encouraged to wear their club kit.
#brontetykes #brontetykescc #CCatCC #SummerOfCycling

Upcoming Cyclocross races:
The Yorkshire Cyclocross Asscociation Summer Series of races is now under way. The remaining races are at the following venues:
Round 4 – Wednesday 19 June – Bramley (entries now closed)
Round 5 – Wednesday 3 July – Harrogate ENTER
Round 6 – Wednesday 17 July – Wakefield ENTER
More details of these races can be found on the YCCA website here.
Upcoming Road / Closed Circuit races:
The White Rose Youth League are a series of races usually on either a Wednesday or Thursday evening, although in 2024 there is a plan to run some races on a Saturday.
These races are held on closed circuit courses such as the Brownlee Centre, Hammerstones and the new Wyke Sports Village. The calendar for this Summer has not yet been published, but the website can be found here.
Photo by Bernard Marsden, used by kind permission.